Wednesday, 17 December 2008

Coffee Morning and Sale, Tombola and Raffle - Bradbury House Saturday 20th December 10-12am

Yes it's that time of year again when we have our annual Xmas event which serves as our main fundraiser. The poster really tells you what all that you need to know. This year we are also hoping to have a cake stall, jewellery and a selection of miscellaneous items.

Entry on the door is 50p and includes tea/coffee and biscuits. We look forward to seeing you and hope you have a fun morning.

Sunday, 14 December 2008

XMAS CAROL SERVICE AT WOODHEAD CHURCH - Tuesday 16th December at 7.30pm

And now for something completely different.

The annual Christmas Carol service at St. James Chapel, Woodhead, will take place this coming Tuesday evening (16th December). Doors are open to the public from 7.15pm with the service scheduled to commence at 7.30pm.

The service will be conducted by Paul Bryson of Mottram and the organist this year is accomplished music teacher Mrs Norma Holland of Hadfield.

For those of you not familiar with the Chapel or who have not attended for some years, it does now have electric heating but wrap up warm anyhow, this is Woodhead not Wakiki.

Vehicular access is via the A628. I strongly recommend going via Tintwistle and sticking to the A628 rather than going via Padfield, Devils Elbow and then past Crowden car park and over the dam. This is because accessing the track up to the Chapel from the opposite side of the road is fraught with difficulty and entails a very sharp reverse turn.

One final word of warning. If your suspension is of a nervous disposition, then think twice about taking it up the track. It really is quite rough but ultimately manageable.

Ideally you should borrow your neighbour's 4x4, take a bicycle or consider leaving your vehicle at Crowden car park and walking over the dam then up the steps towards Bleak House. From here you will find the access road about 100 yards down the road in the Tintwistle direction.

If you like a good Christmas sing song in an off beat and slightly wacky setting then I guarantee that you will find the event to your liking. I've been to previous Christmas services here and can vouch for the fact that you will find the event surreal,for real!

Wednesday, 10 December 2008


Between now and the New Year I'll post details of any events that are being put on by local groups that are in any way connected with the two villages, providing of course that you let me know about them.

The first of these is a Xmas Quiz that is being held by the Save Swallow Wood group at the Bull's Head in Tintwistle this coming Thursday evening (December 11th) starting at 8.00pm. Click on the link below to view the details as provided by the group themselves:

There will apparently be live music, mulled wine and prizes.
Don't forget, if your organisation wants a quick plug like this on the site, and is relevant to the two villages, just e-mail your details and we'll be happy to oblige.

Wednesday, 3 December 2008


Hi Readers,

With most of our business behind us for this year and with the countdown to Christmas most firmly on people's minds I thought I would lighten up the blog for a short while by finding some free Christmas games for you to amuse yourselves with, whilst you visit.

To begin with I have added a game which you will find at the foot of the page called the Christmas Castle Defence Game. It's fun and easy to play. Just use your cursor to pick up and then fling the invaders. Easier said than done I might add!

To play just go to the bottom of the screen and click the word 'BEGIN' which is just below the words '5000 Deluxe' or click here.

There are many levels (if you are successful). Look out for the vehicles and snowpelting devices that attempt to bury your castle with white stuff whilst you are swatting other targets.

If you want to play using a larger screen then follow these 3 steps:

1. Go to the game at the foot of the page and click the 'Play Fullscreen' link.

2. At the top of the window that opens up, click the link that says 'More about this game'.

3. Right in the middle of your new screen you will see the word 'BEGIN' which is just below the words '500 Deluxe'. Click that word and you are away.

Have fun and good luck!

Tuesday, 2 December 2008

Hadfield Wakes Up To Winter Wonderland

There was a hint of winter in the light dusting of snow that fell on the valley yesterday, in a powdery sort of way and it certainly felt cold enough for a drop of the white stuff.


By 6.00am this morning with a good covering on the ground and heavy snow falling, it felt like Winter had truly arrived. So, sledge time and good fun all round for the kids but misery, moaning and salt buckets at the ready for everyone else, especially motorists wending their way out of town and into the city.

These photos were taken on Lower Bank Close, Hadfield, just before daybreak, for those of you who are wondering and also for the benefit of those of you who don't have to get up early today and may have just missed it all!
If anyone has taken any digital photos of their own and you would like to see them posted on the blog then please e-mail them and I'll be happy to oblige.