Thursday, 3 July 2008

Residents Meeting - MONDAY JULY 7TH, 8.00PM the NEW LAMP, BANKBOTTOM

Next Monday is the 7th July and it is the first Monday in the month which means Tintwistle and Hadfield Residents Association (TAHRA) will meet at the New Lamp, Bankbottom, Hadfield at our usual time of 8.00pm prompt.

This month we have not one but two guest speakers, which is good news for all those of you who don't want to hear me all night long.

Top of the Agenda of course are the proposed closures of Tintwistle Post Office and Hadfield Delivery Office. I am therefore pleased to confirm that Dave Kennedy the Branch Secretary of the Communications Workers Union (CWU) will address the meeting in person.

He will explain the issues, provide an update and answer all your questions. I have also had a phone call from a local Councillor confirming their attendance. It's clearly a topic of grave concern and promises to be a lively meeting, so get there early if you don't want to end up in the gallery.

Regarding the proposed Tintwistle closure, we have already produced a postcard (see above) which will be distributed around the village and the Brosscroft area next week. Residents will just need to sign and return it, although written letters are always preferable. Our response to the Delivery Office closure is something that I hope will come out of the meeting.

Our second guest speaker is Jo Osborn who has been in the local press recently over her battle with HPBC. She is attempting to prevent them from building flats on a greenfield site on Lambgates. She will outline the issues involved and her reasons for opposing the plans. The proposed development comes before planning on Monday 21st July. Comments can be made up until that date by clicking here.

Our final Agenda item will be to give another mention to the Local Development Framework. It may not sound very catchy or interesting and it's something I've been banging on about all year. However Friday 25th July is the final day for responding to the consultation document 'Shaping the Future of High Peak', which you can do here or here.

Basically it is your chance to tell the council what you do and don't want to see happen over the next 20 years. Bang in your form, get yourself on the list of consultees and you will have a greater say in what goes on in your area in the months and years to come. I have provided a fuller explanation in a previous blog which you can find here
---------------------------------AGENDA ITEMS-------------------------------

1. Dave Kennedy - Branch Secretary CWU - Tintwistle P.O/Hadfield L.D.O. closure threat.

2. Jo Osborn - Proposed Lambgates development.

3. Plea to respond to Local Development Framework

4. AOB

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