Hi Everyone
My name is Steve Bagshaw, I currently chair the monthly meetings of the Tintwistle and Hadfield Residents Association (TAHRA), which are held at the New Lamp, Bankbottom, Hadfield on the first Monday of each month. This blog has been set up to give local residents more of a voice. We felt the need to create our own media after council chiefs and elected councillors simply ignored the protests of the local population and ploughed ahead with unwanted industrial developments recently.
It will enable more interaction for residents between meetings and will also allow you to comment and blog about events as they happen. If blogging is new to you, don't worry, it is to me too but it will get easier the more you use it.
To begin with, if you would like to be alerted each time there is a new post, then all you need to do is fill in your e-mail address in the space provided on this page (in the right hand column) then click the "subscribe" button and that's it.
If you want to contact me then you can e-mail me at tinhadra@aol.com
Secondly, if you would like to contribute yourself, again let me know by e-mail and I will then send you an invite. As soon as you reply to the invite you will be able to either make a comment on an existing blog or to create a new post of your own.
Let's start. Here's a picture question. What do these two local scenes have in common then? The clue to the subject matter is dogs:
My name is Steve Bagshaw, I currently chair the monthly meetings of the Tintwistle and Hadfield Residents Association (TAHRA), which are held at the New Lamp, Bankbottom, Hadfield on the first Monday of each month. This blog has been set up to give local residents more of a voice. We felt the need to create our own media after council chiefs and elected councillors simply ignored the protests of the local population and ploughed ahead with unwanted industrial developments recently.
It will enable more interaction for residents between meetings and will also allow you to comment and blog about events as they happen. If blogging is new to you, don't worry, it is to me too but it will get easier the more you use it.
To begin with, if you would like to be alerted each time there is a new post, then all you need to do is fill in your e-mail address in the space provided on this page (in the right hand column) then click the "subscribe" button and that's it.
If you want to contact me then you can e-mail me at tinhadra@aol.com
Secondly, if you would like to contribute yourself, again let me know by e-mail and I will then send you an invite. As soon as you reply to the invite you will be able to either make a comment on an existing blog or to create a new post of your own.
Let's start. Here's a picture question. What do these two local scenes have in common then? The clue to the subject matter is dogs:
Aah, yes. Popular and reasonable places to take your dog for a walk.
A tenuous but kinder to the eye introduction than some photos I might have shown on the subject of that hardy perennial - dog fouling. At a recent open meeting it was regarded, along with road issues, as an area of immediate concern.
Good news. After contacting our beloved HPBC I am assured that they will send out an Enforcement Officer within the week to clean up any grot spots. All you have to do is report a precise location of the offending articles and they will come and do a clean-up. You can either ring HPBC at the general number 0845 1297777 and state your spot or e-mail me at tinhadra@aol.com and I will put together a (s)hit? list for them to deliver on.
OK not a pleasant subject to kick off with but it had to be done. The sooner the better if you ask me. I'm hoping that they will do a bit of publicity around the area too which they have promised to get in touch about. Will keep you posted.
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