Monday, 19 May 2008

Glossopdale Area Forum



HOUSING - Too much housing in the area? Not enough?


TRANSPORT & ACCESS - Too many cars on too many roads Or not enough?


JOBS & ECONOMY - Are distribution warehouses and concrete factories the right sort of jobs in the right location?


CLIMATE CHANGE - Are HPBC paying lip service? Can you make them more committed?

BUILDINGS & LANDSCAPE - protecting our environment (Rossington Park springs to mind)


REGENERATION - Is it Regeneration or Degeneration in your opinion?


Shaping the Future of High Peak is a discussion paper that will shape the way new development will take place in High Peak over the next 20 years. There's not much in the way of democracy when it comes to planning decisions and the way they are taken in this area. We know that because Tintwistle and Hadfield residents have been the victims of environmental destruction at the hands of the likes of Adrian Fisher and Dai Larna.

The Local Development Framework (LDF)which replaces the Local Plan will potentially make this situation worse unless you get your views in right at the start of this process which is taking place NOW. The LDF is what's called a front loaded decision making process. This means opinions count for more in the early stages and at each step in the process it becomes harder and harder to change decisions that will ultimately affect YOU.

The purpose of the discussion paper is to gather your views and opinions about what types of issues exist in the area and how they might be addressed. The Forum is useful for letting off steam and getting your main concerns across. You should however comment on the document online, which you can do by clicking here:

Don't be put off by length of the document - you only have to fill in the Sections that you choose to but please do comment. The more people who voice an opinion the more we will be heard. Apathy is our greatest enemy. Hope you can make it on Thursday.

Friday, 16 May 2008

Hadfield Weather Station

Yes, you heard it right. A weather station in Hadfield that gives all the details of the weather in the big village as it happens. Presumably not the real thing or we would have heard about it by now. Perhaps a local amateur meteorologist with a little technical know-how.

Anyhow, here's the link, so check it out for yourself:

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the whole site it but the temperature is always spot on and last month when it started to snow one day, I checked the site and it did indeed correctly indicate that it was snowing.
Aah! But I already live in the area, so what possible use would this be to me? - I hear you cry. I could just look out of the window or step outside. Fair point.

Well perhaps you have friends or relatives living abroad who would appreciate this little tool to remnd them of home. Or maybe if you're catching the sun on your next holiday in Spain or Florida you might want to reach for your laptop or log on at an internet cafe to find out what you're missing out on back home - if only to gloat for while!

Wednesday, 14 May 2008

Save The Woodhead Tunnel

Here's one for all you local railway enthusiasts or for those who just think it makes logical sense to retain and eventually re-open a railway line between two major cities.

Friends and supporters of the Save The Woodhead Tunnel group have their monthly meeting this Thursday, 15th May at the Prince of Wales in Glossop, which is a change from the normal venue. Meeting starts at 7.15pm prompt. All welcome.

The group have their own blog which can be found by clicking here

Despite recent media coverage claiming them victorious in their efforts, the group are not at all sure this is indeed the case and the blog has posted some current pictures like this

to illustrate their point. More stories and pictures on the blog itself.

Tuesday, 13 May 2008

LiDL for Brookfield?

Did anyone spot this little nugget in the local press this week?


The gist of the story is that LiDL food chain who have a branch In Ashton are seeking to open up a new store at Brookfield on the site of the old garage just down from the Spring Tavern.

What's just a little quirky about the ad is that they openly admit they are having a 'Public Open Day' before a planning application has even been submitted.

The question is obviously WHY?

Perhaps it is LiDL policy to do this every time they propose to open a store. Or is it that the Planning Dept at HPBC have given them the advice given the bad publicity that has surrounded furtive applications just round the corner at Rossington Park, where such openness has never been in evidence! Enough said.

Monday, 12 May 2008

Hadfield Parks Improvement Project

If you live near any of the parks on Bankswood, Newshaw Lane or the play area at Brosscroft then you will have recieved a form inviting comments on how all three play areas can be improved.

The reason for this is that HPBC have been awarded funding from the BIG Lottery to improve play areas across the borough. Consequently, the Council will be refurbishing Newshaw Lane and Bankswood Park Play Areas over the next few months.

They have also secured funding from Johnnie Johnson Housing for the Brosscroft site and have a bid to the Youth Opportunities Fund for this site still pending.

Sally Curley, the Parks Development Officer is the contact at HPBC should you want further info. There will be a chance to meet her team and ask questions at a Drop-In event on Thursday 15th May at Hadfield Youth Centre between 6pm and 8pm.

Personally I have no idea where Hadfield Youth Centre is, nor do any of my neighbours but several people I have asked and also a member of staff at HPBC suggested they thought it is at the school site on Newshaw Lane. More specifically the first annex on the right as you approach the school - where they sometimes hold elections. So unless you know better we'll assume that's the venue.

My comments are signed, sealed and delivered but there is just one comment that I would like to share with you. Whilst its nice for some money to be spent on the kids and they certainly need to have some play activities, isn't it a shame that it only happens as a result of begging to other organisations? Are our kids not deemed worthy of spending some of our Council Tax on? After all, it is in large part the parents of the children who are paying the Tax!