Friday, 16 May 2008

Hadfield Weather Station

Yes, you heard it right. A weather station in Hadfield that gives all the details of the weather in the big village as it happens. Presumably not the real thing or we would have heard about it by now. Perhaps a local amateur meteorologist with a little technical know-how.

Anyhow, here's the link, so check it out for yourself:

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the whole site it but the temperature is always spot on and last month when it started to snow one day, I checked the site and it did indeed correctly indicate that it was snowing.
Aah! But I already live in the area, so what possible use would this be to me? - I hear you cry. I could just look out of the window or step outside. Fair point.

Well perhaps you have friends or relatives living abroad who would appreciate this little tool to remnd them of home. Or maybe if you're catching the sun on your next holiday in Spain or Florida you might want to reach for your laptop or log on at an internet cafe to find out what you're missing out on back home - if only to gloat for while!

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