Sunday, 1 June 2008


Hi Everyone

Just a quick blog to make viewers aware that our next meeting is tomorrow evening at the usual time and venue (The New Lamp, Bankbottom, Hadfield at 8.00pm) As a general rule we meet the first Monday in each month, except when there's a Bank Holiday. All welcome.

If you live in Hadfield, you may be aware by now that the Post Office sorting depot is threatened with closure. Postmen themselves delivered the devastating news to virtually every household in Hadfield, putting in a shift to deliver thousands of leaflets after their own shifts finished last Tuesday and Wednesday. A copy of the leaflet and further details will be available in a following blog.

Whilst not the only lively local topic, it is one that we obviously need to discuss, with a view to helping reverse what appears to be an imminent threat. Officially the list of proposed closures will be unveiled on June 10th but the fact that union reps have acted so swiftly in getting out warning leaflets suggests very strongly that Hadfield is on that list.

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