Saturday, 5 July 2008

Letter from High Peak Borough Council re; Appeals by SCC Limited against Enforcement Notices


1 comment:

steve b said...

I am aware that hundreds of people in Tintwistle and Brosscroft have received this letter from HPBC pertaining to the appeal by SCC against the council's Enforcement Notice.

I am equally aware that nobody has a clue as to what it actually means! I include myself in that.

Fortunately Cllr. Mitchell who attended last Monday's meeting and who is on the Planning Committee was able to shed some light on the matter.

As I understand it, SCC are currently no longer able to dump concrete blocks in open storage on the site, this is what the Enforcement Notice prohibits.

However as they were granted permission for two huge storage sheds at last December's Planning Committee, they can now go ahead and construct those sheds. The current argument seems to be over what actual colour they will be.

In addition there are conditions attached to the buildings and to the usage of the site, which can be found by cutting and pasting the following link into your browser:

There are lots of conditions attached and they are worth reading. In fact there are several blogs worth, once you get into the nitty gritty. SCC are not home and dry yet.

Naturally, HPBC are clearly not going to police these conditions as they have neither the resources nor the inclination to do so. That will be up to residents who live within view and earshot of the site.

Please e-mail me at if you identfiy any breach of the conditions, as well as your local Cllr. and/or the Chief Planning Officer. Otherwise they will continue to do as they please with impunity.