Sunday, 30 November 2008

RESIDENTS MEETING - Monday December 1st at the New Lamp, Bankbotton, Hadfield, 8.00pm

Hi Everyone,
November was a busy month for us. It began with a rare but welcome self-invite from a councillor and saw the launch of Dig Hadfield, which had its seeds in this very blog.

Next up was an invite for the association from Tom Levitt M.P. to 'Communities In Control' - a discussion on a government White Paper, held in New Mills.

Finally, we had an interesting meeting with Head of Planning and Regeneration, Dai Larner (with a further one to follow in January) and finished the month with a walk around Hadfield with the Beat Sweep team, who have spent the past 10 days beating and sweeping around the village, in a bid to reduce crime and perceived nuisance behaviour.

I'm rather hoping December won't be quite so hectic. So far our biggest commitment of the month is the annual fundraiser at Bradbury House, Glossop, on the last Saturday before Christmas (yes, it's that time of year again). That's 10.00 - midday on 20th December, where we have a bring and buy, raffle etc.

So, without further ado, here is Monday's proposed Agenda, though if you have anything to add please feel free to contact us or come along on the night and we'll find time to discuss it.


1. Apologies.
2. Correspondence.
3. Outstanding issues - proposed closure of Hadfield Sorting Office, Tinsle Bridge.
4. Feedback from 'Communities in Control' discussion on govt. White Paper.
5. Report back from Dai Larner meeting. Delegates for next meeting 20th January.
6. Beat Sweep walkabout.
7. Xmas fundraiser at Bradbury House.
8. Tinsle planters.
9. Xmas card list.
10. Announcements
11. A.O.B. (fix next meeting date re: hols)

We try our best to finish by 9.30 but please feel free to stay for a chat and a beer afterwards. It's good to socialise and it keeps the landlord happy!

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