Sunday, 1 March 2009

RESIDENTS MEETING - Monday 2nd March, the New Lamp, Bankbottom, Hadfield, at 8.00pm

Just a quick reminder that as it’s the first Monday of the month, we shall be holding our monthly meeting as described above. There have been several interesting and important developments since our last meeting, which can be discussed.

In January, we met with head of Planning and Regeneration, Dai Larna, where residents had the chance to raise issues and questions of concern. He has got back to us on many of these points, a copy of which is has been provided to our regular attendees.

We also sent a few delegates to a meeting of new organisation Keep High Peak Green, the subject matter of which was future housing targets and its implications for the area. We will have a report back from this.

There should have by now been a dawning on local politicians that, not to put too fine a point on it, the proposed Mottram-Tinsle bypass appears to be all but doomed. The traffic situation on the other hand still needs a solution. Proposed housing targets (re above) are unlikely to help. Isn’t it time for the local establishment to get real and give a hearing to immediate, low cost solutions? Or does the wait continue? Over to you…

All welcome. Hope to see you there.

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