In the meantime if anyone has anything that they would like to raise as an Agenda item or any announcements etc, then forward them to me at: as soon as possible for inclusion.
Thursday, 31 July 2008
AUGUST MEETING - New Lamp, Bankbotton, Hadfield 8.00pm
In the meantime if anyone has anything that they would like to raise as an Agenda item or any announcements etc, then forward them to me at: as soon as possible for inclusion.
Wednesday, 23 July 2008
Updated Map Of Hadfield P.O. Postcard Campaign
End of Consultation - Tintwistle P.O.
We have of course also responded to the Post Office consultation through their official website, a copy of which can be read below. This marks the end of the campaign and we wait with baited breath to hear the outcome, news of which will be posted as soon as it is known.
Sunday, 20 July 2008
Hello Everyone,
Apologies to our regular readers for the lack of posts this week but there is a reason. Oddly enough, it's actually due to over activity rather than a lack of it. We have been busy wording, printing and delivering the above postcard, which is the centrepiece of our campaign to Save Hadfield Sorting Office from closure.
The postcard sums up our fears for the future of Hadfield Post Office. itself should the L.D.O. be closed and this has been dealt with in earlier posts. However there have been some developments over the past few days which I will summarise.
Bouyed by the staggering support shown by residents across Hadfield through their poster campaign, local posties voted unanimously for strike action in an attempt to reverse the 90 Day Closure Notice issued by Post Office Management.
Two days worth of strike action were called, the first being Thursday 10th July. The scheduled second day, which was to be Monday 14th July wasn't actually needed due to the fact that the P.O. buckled and finally agreed to hold talks with the CWU after previously refusing to discuss the matter.
What has been agreed is a six step negotiation process which will take six weeks to complete. This is certainly a step in the right direction and obviously means there is the real possibility of a positive outcome.
Consequently, our proposed Public Meeting has to be put on hold pending negotiations as it would be unrealistic to expect either party to speak publicly whilst talks are in progress nor would it be pertinent to do so when there is a chance of a positive outcome through official channels. We will of course still be ready to call such a meeting if and when it seems appropriate and/or necessary.
Our postcard campaign, on the other hand, is vital right now, which is why we are attempting to get thousands of them out across Hadfield over the next week or so. The people of Hadfield have shown local posties their support through displaying their posters. Posties have shown their determination to keep the L.D.O. open by being prepared to take strike action.
The final piece in the jigsaw is for us all to show the main man himself, Chairman, Allan Leighton how angry we are at the Closure Notice. Residents and service users can do this by putting a stamp on the card that comes through their door and mailing it to him. If you can't wait for yours to arrive you can always print off the one above on card!
If you would like to help the campaign along, you can volunteer to help deliver our postcard by e-mailing us at and we'll get the cards out to you. The following map details our progress so far and where you can come in:
Thursday, 10 July 2008
Local postmen were balloted last week and returned a 100% vote in favour of industrial action such is the strength of feeling over the issue. It is clear from the number of posters displayed in the windows of residents across the whole of Hadfield that local people share their outrage.
From the perspective of the postmen, most of whom live locally, the notion that they should have to drive to Hyde to sort mail then drive back again to Hadfield to deliver it, is truly outrageous. From an environmental perspective, this madcap idea puts additional traffic onto local roads and is a disgraceful waste of fuel. No doubt that is of little consideration to Royal Mail who will expect Postal Workers themselves to bear the burden of travel costs.
As residents we have something more to fear and that is the loss of Hadfield Post Office itself. I have raised the argument in a previous post, which you can view by clicking here, that a small business such as Hadfield Post Office will struggle to overcome the loss of income which is derived from Royal Mail's use of the Delivery Office.
Unless and until Royal Mail are prepared to give categoric assurances that the future of Hadfield Post Office is secure or that there is a viable business plan in place that would enable the Postmaster to sustain such a loss of income (which I believe to be in excess of £30,000 per annum) then the assumption must be that the odds are stacked against its long term viability without the Delivery Office in situ.
This being the case we wholeheartedly support the Postal Workers industrial action, which will also see a work to rule on Friday and Saturday. Hopefully, the bad publicity that Royal Mail will generate for themselves might persuade them that any financial savings they hope to make through closure of the LDO will be outweighed by public disgust at what they are doing and loss of goodwill amonst their own staff.
For our own part, we intend to support the Postal Workers by launching a postcard campaign. We are looking to deliver a postcard to every household in Hadfield so residents will have a quick and simple means of showing their anger.
We are also attempting to hold a Public Meeting and are currently seeking a local venue. We intend to invite representatives from both sides to explain their position as they see it. I would particularly like to hear why the alleged Health and Safety issues cannot be resolved without such drastic action as closure, which seems excessive. Further details regarding the industrial action and news of our own campaign will appear on this blog as soon as they are available.
Friends and supporters of the Save The Woodhead Tunnel group have their monthly meeting today, Thursday, 10th July at the Prince of Wales in Glossop, which has become their normal venue. Meeting starts at 7.15pm . All welcome.
The group have their own blog which can be found by clicking here
Despite recent media coverage claiming them victorious in their efforts, the group are not at all sure this is indeed the case and their blog has posted some pictures like this:
to illustrate their point. More stories and pictures on the blog itself.Tom Levitt MP who supports the campaign to keep a Woodhead Tunnel available for future use has recently written to those who signed a No 10 petition which you can read below by clicking on the image:
The full text of the Westminster Hall debate that Mr Levitt refers to can be found here
Saturday, 5 July 2008
Thursday, 3 July 2008
Residents Meeting - MONDAY JULY 7TH, 8.00PM the NEW LAMP, BANKBOTTOM
This month we have not one but two guest speakers, which is good news for all those of you who don't want to hear me all night long.
1. Dave Kennedy - Branch Secretary CWU - Tintwistle P.O/Hadfield L.D.O. closure threat.
2. Jo Osborn - Proposed Lambgates development.
3. Plea to respond to Local Development Framework
4. AOB