Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Royal Mail Responds to the closure of Hadfield Delivery Office


1 comment:

steve b said...

I have three points to make to this response.

1. Closing down a building as a means of addressing H & S issues is using a sledgehammer to crack a nut and is a totally extreme 'solution'. It's clearly being used as an excuse to save money and could be a backdoor method of closing Hadfield Post Office itself.

It isn't true that the building is unfit for use. No improvement order has been served nor has any prohibition notice. The latter would be a minimum if the building were really deemed unsafe.

Further there has been no known accident in the last 50 years.

2. Collection of undelivered parcels from the office can only happen as long as the Post Office itself stays open.

The loss of revenue to the Postmaster for use of the office by Royal Mail could be devastating for a small business, threatening its very existence.

If it then gets axed in the next round of closures the parcel collection service goes with it.

3. I've heard some lame excuses before but 'overall energy savings' is about as thin as its gets.

What about the extra petrol that will be used to get Postal workers to Hyde then back again to Hadfield to deliver, then having to take the transport back to Hyde!

I bet the Post Office don't put on a bus service for staff for long before that too gets axed on cost grounds with petrol prices rising!