Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Tom Levitt Responds to the closure of Hadfield Delivery Office


1 comment:

steve b said...

Much of my response to this can be found in the comment I have left in reply to Kimberley Leighton on behalf of the Post Office Management in the blog above.

In summary whilst it is true that Hadfield is not on the hit list this time around, the loss of the L.D.O. and the revenue that goes with it to the Postmaster, makes it vulnerable next time around.

Therefore the promised parcel delivery service could be nothing more than a temporary sticking plaster to placate people in the here and now.

I certainly agree with Mr Levitt when he says proper consideration has not been given to dealing with H & S issues. That is quite ominous.

Why don't they want to address these issues? Is it because they are softening it up for closure?

Also the very fact that Mr Levitt has asked for long term assurances about the future of Hadfield suggests he fears for it in the same way that I and the Postal Workers themselves do.