Saturday, 1 November 2008

Residents Meeting - The New Lamp, Bankbottom, Hadfield, 8.00pm - All Welcome

Monday 3rd November will be the first Monday in the month so it's time for our monthly jaunt down at the New Lamp. This month Cllr Webster (his choice of photo, from the HPBC website, not mine!)

wishes to address the meeting and is afforded the right to reply to Ralph Bennett's letter to the press on the subject of 'H.P.B.C. Investments in Icelandic banks'.

I'm sure we all look forward to hearing some words of wisdom from Glossop's answer to Ian Paisley but if we were to follow H.P.B.C.'s own protocol we might have to limit him to just 3 minutes timed out to the second! Would we do that?

A busy and exciting Agenda this month with campaigns on several fronts. This week sees the launch of Dig Hadfield, aided and abetted by TAHRA, but soon to be an autonomous group, whose aim will be to push for allotment allocations in ...well Hadfield, obviously.

Also we continue the campaign to persuade the council to opt-in to the Sustainable Communities Act, which we feel may be beneficial in terms of giving grass roots organisations more of a voice and have an invitation from Tom Levitt M.P. to attend a meeting on the subject later this month. Hurrah.

So without any further ado here is the full Agenda. Quite a full one so get along early and we can make a punctual start.


Meeting at the New Lamp, Bankbottom, Hadfield, Monday 3rd November at 8.00pm.


1. Apologies for absence.

2 (a) Correspondence – H.P.B.C. Investment in Icelandic banks.
Cllr. Chris Webster (Old Glossop ward) has asked to come along to address the subject on a personal basis. He is of course cordially invited and afforded the right to reply to Ralph Bennett’s letter on the subject, recently published in the local press, which Ralph will read in person.


(b) Invitation from Tom Levitt M.P. to attend “Communities In Control” – a discussion on the Govt. White Paper.
(c) Invitation from Dai Larner (Strategic Director – Planning and regeneration) to set up a meeting to address issues regarding the councils planning service and anything else we would like to cover. Progress! See also Item (4) below.
(d) A response to Ralph Bennett from Tintwistle Parish Council.

3. Matters Arising/Outstanding Business
(a) Postal dispute.
(b) Litter under Tintwistle Bridge.

4. Meeting with Dai Larner – Finally Mr Larner has agreed to meet us over the various planning issues we have raised over the past couple of years. The recent discovery of a cannabis plant on Rossington Park seems to have confirmed our fears about lax planning procedures. Hopefully this is an opportunity to set matters right. We need to suggest dates, times and delegates for proposed meeting.

4. Dig Hadfield – with our help a new group has been founded whose point of focus will be to campaign for allotments in Hadfield. News and update.

5. Sustainable Communities Act. Potentially useful tool for grass roots involvement in community issues. We are campaigning for the council to opt-in or we cannot use it. Progress report and correspondence to date.

6. Safer Neighbourhood Meeting – report back from Pat Bennett.

7. Fundraising re: Bradbury House Xmas stall.
8. Announcements.
9. Any other business.
We always aim to close business by 9.30pm but as always feel free to stay for a chat and a drink afterwards.



Cllr. Ivan said...

Councillor Chris Webster has asked the SEGRA (South East Glossop Residents Association) to take the item off their agenda because he did not know enough about the ins and outs of it.
Seems strange he wants to speak at your meeting about Ralph's very pertinent comments.

Please give my apologizes but I cannot attend public meetings at the moment

Cllr. Ivan Bell

Anonymous said...

I can explain that one Ivan. Cllr. Webster, who did attend last night, wanted to specifically respond to a paragraph within the letter relating to 'paid councillors' although the subject matter of the letter itself was about monies invested in Icelandic banks.

It was actually a pleasant and entertaining evening. Cllr Webster gave a good account of himself and his duties and was duly applauded for his efforts. Whilst he wasn't able to answer specific points about the lost cash he has promised to get back to us on with any answers he couldn't supply. I'll try and find time to do a blog about it later tonight.